Location / Contact

Praxis Merkurstrasse
Merkurstrasse 20
8032 Zurich

The practice is located 5 minutes on foot from Stadelhofen station. Tram stop Kreuzstrasse and Opera House of the lines 2 and 4 around the corner (approx. 3 minutes walk). Parking facilities: Parking garage Opernhaus, parking house Utoquai or parking by meter in Dufourstrasse. The practice is on the 5th floor. Lift available, unfortunately not wheelchair accessible.

Dr. Marcella Siegrist Läuchli
Phone: 044 262 62 90
Mail: marcella.siegrist@hin.ch

Dr. Angela Caddick
Phone: 044 261 39 39
Mail: dr.angela.caddick@hin.ch

Dr. Axel Marzeion
Phone: 044 252 40 20
Mail: axel.marzeion@hin.ch

(no appointments by mail)

Opening hours

Appointments: Monday to Friday
from 08:00 to 12:00 and 14:00 to 17:30

Telephone: Monday to Friday
from 08:30 to 12:00 and 13:30 to 17:00

Doctors available by phone 13:30-14:00

Important phone numbers

Emergency 144
Poisonings: Tox Info Suisse, emergency number 145
Out of hours number 0800 33 66 55

Important Links

Permanence Hauptbahnhof
Notfallstation Universitätsspital Zürich
Stadtspital Waid und Triemli
Spital Zollikerberg
Klinik Hirslanden
Frauenpermanence Zürich